YACtion Provides An Insider Look at Push Over

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YACtion Provides An Insider Look at Push Over


As part of National Youth Week, The Push’s Youth Advisory Committee has created a short film providing an insider’s view into Push Over, the all ages music festival.

As part of National Youth Week, The Push’s Youth Advisory Committee has created a short film providing an insider’s view into Push Over, the all ages music festival. 

The short film, YACtion: An Insider’s View Into Push Over & The All Ages Music Scene In Victoria was produced with funding from National Youth Week. The documentary gives viewers a behind the scenes look at the event and the different people involved in Push Over, Australia’s longest-running all ages festival.

The project features insights from some of the bands that played at the festival in 2011 including Illy, House Vs Hurricane, Hunting Grounds (aka Howl), I Exist and Last Dinosaurs as well as some of the staff and volunteers. The film also captures footage from the event itself. 

“It’s a documentary to focus on young people in the music industry, how they got there, and why they decided to pursue a career. We hope to help inspire other young people to get involved,” said The Push’s Youth Advisory Committee Chair, Danielle Miles

YACtion will be launched at The Atrium at Brunswick Town Hall on Thursday April 7. The event will be hosted by MC Defron and will feature live performances by Elodie Adams, Courtney Barnett and John Lingard who have all worked with FReeZACentral, a Goverment music initiative. 

The film will be available to view on The Push’s website following the launch.