Watson : Go To Hell!

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Watson : Go To Hell!


 Tell us about your show. It’s a comedy-horror about how fear controls our lives. In a horror-comedy show you’ll scream with terror, wee yourself a little, then laugh. Like a regular comedy show but with more laundry. 


What’s a fun fact about the show? There’s a scary clown in our show. He’s harmless though. Unless you’re human, then he wants to murder you. A lot. Friendly tip regarding terrifying clowns: if he asks if you want to honk his nose…say no. It’s a trap. He’ll murder you. A lot.


Describe your show in three words. The best show ever! Wait…that’s four words. I’ll try again. Watson: Go To Hell! is a nightmare thrill ride of big scares and even bigger laughs! Okay… counting. F&*k! 16 words. It’s fine. I can do this. Three words: Please come… poor.


Does your show have any audience participation? Did you know that the top two fears people have are dying and public speaking. As our show is all about fears and how they control us we definitely have audience participation. We ask an audience member up on stage, murder them, then ask them how that makes them feel. Haven’t had a negative response yet. They seem very relaxed about it.


Who are you looking forward to seeing this year at the festival? Rama Nicholas is doing a show all about romance and erotica. It’s so awesome. Everyone should see it. It’s like watching a Mills and Boon novel come to life.


Venue: The Malthouse – Beckett Theatre

Dates: Thursday March 30 – Sunday April 23 (bar Mondays)

Duration: 60 minutes

Tickets: $24 – $29