Tyler Oakley Locks In 2015 Melbourne Show

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Tyler Oakley Locks In 2015 Melbourne Show


Now, Tyler is packing up his living room and hitting the road for his first-ever live tour. Tyler Oakley’s Slumber Party is a dynamic, multi-media live event that celebrates and showcases one of today’s hottest social media stars.  Come dressed in your best onesie and join Tyler for an intimate and immersive experience that includes music, comedy, fan contests and giveaways, meet and greets, surprise guests, and of course, Q & Slay

Get an up close and personal experience with everyone’s YouTube bestie. Oakley’s videos are hilarious, engaging, and unapologetically personal. With an undying love for all things pop culture, his quick wit, and an innate sassiness, Oakley is immediately lovable and undeniably viral. Most recently he advised President Barack Obama on social media strategy, and was referred to as a “millionaire in the currency of likes” in the 2014 Frontline investigative report, Generation Like. Please note this isn’t really a slumber party…you will have to go home after the show. Get ready to be slayed.