Time Machine With Richard Vegas

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Time Machine With Richard Vegas


Richard Vegas is putting on a Steampunk-themed night this week at Red Bennies called Time Machine. We asked him some quick questions about it all.

Richard Vegas is putting on a Steampunk-themed night this week at Red Bennies called Time Machine. We asked him some quick questions about it all.


Tell us about Steampunk. Are you personally into it, what’s it all about and why is it cool?

“Steampunk is primarily an aesthetic movement influenced by Edwardian/Victorian industrial revolution era fashion and technology and the alternate present and future realities that could have been, or do exist, in a parallel universe….at least that’s the way I like to see it. I love Steampunk. I would love the world to be Steampunk. Imagine everything around us to be as beautiful as it is functional… and really why shouldn’t it be …? Steampunk is cool because it is an escapism, but an escapism that allows you to to look damn hot, sophisticated and cool all at the same time.”


Is the burlesque on the night steampunk themed?

“Yes, the burlesque on the night is Steampunk themed, as is cabaret and magic… all thanks to the stunning fashion creations of Clockwork Butterfly.”


How is the fashion being presented exactly, is it a catwalk show or what?

“All of the fashion is interwoven into the performances, this night is no fashion show; it’s avant-garde, out there, stunning performances of magic, cabaret and burlesque wrapped in and inspired by Steampunk!”


How should the audience dress for this?!

“Audiences should dress in what makes them feel coolest. It would help, but you do not have to be dressed Steampunk to attend; the great thing about Steampunk is that you can lightly sit into the fashion with a couple of well chosen accessories (lisp..) – hah, listen to me, I sound like a stylist… ahhh, shoot me! Red Bennies will be Steampunkified, and there will be door prizes for the best dressed Steampunkers.”


What can the audience expect?

“Audiences can expect to be transported to another time and place, where the world shifts on a different axis, where the strange and beautiful lock lips.”


What’s your favourite act on the night?

“Ahhh, so very hard to say, there are so many, anything by Kelly Ann Doll or Madame Leila Montasano is mesmerizing. But um, maybe where Julia Madotti and I hypnotise the entire room and harness the collective power of this to light and smash a lightbulb, maybe, or it could be the levitating Time Machine, I don’t know, audiences will have to decide…”


Time Machine happens at Red Bennies on Friday April 8 at 8pm. Book through redbennies.com or 9826 2689.