This Melbourne Festival is Tackling Climate Change through Art, Film and Performance

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This Melbourne Festival is Tackling Climate Change through Art, Film and Performance


Hot!Hot!Hot! aims to inspire new concepts, new forms and new works about climate change as a cultural response to corporate and governmental inaction. 

Program highlights include a night of 25 short plays from 25 of the best writers in TWENTYFIVExONE, while Brisbane’s Kristian Fletcher will introduce B Movies Live ‘Frankenstein Meets The Space Monster’ celebrating all things trashy and camp. Luke Devine will present his new Britney Spears inspired show Work Bitch, with Crack Theatre Festival director Jane Grimley showcasing her 7 in Paradise show – a one-on-one seven minute performance taking place in an elevator.

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Further standouts include Sandra Fiona Long’s Fear The Sun that recreates her lounge room from 21 years ago when the first UN Climate Talks were held, alongside an election party, an eco-activist workshop, forums and plenty more.