The world’s largest Tutankhamun exhibition is heading to Sydney

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The world’s largest Tutankhamun exhibition is heading to Sydney


No matter how long ago you graduated from primary school, Ancient Egyptian history will always be cool. With that in mind, a huge exhibition based upon revered Pharoah, Tutankhamun, is making its way to Sydney – in 2021. Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharoah will display over 150 objects unearthed from the Pharoah’s tomb, including 60 pieces that have never previously left Egypt, all under the roof of the AustralianMuseum.

Prompted by the need to keep the artefacts clean and safe during the renovation of the GrandEgyptianMuseum, the exhibit is touring the world. It is currently being shown at the California ScienCentre in Los Angeles, and is “illustrating [the boy king’s] incredible history and impact for an international audience like never before.”

Carved artifacts, gold jewellery, sculptures, ritual antiquities and a depth of information never previously seen will be provided, all within the scope of Tut’s tomb – while protecting the artefacts is important, it is also the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the elaborate tomb.

According to ancient Egyptians, a man dies twice – once when his soul departs, and second after the death of the last person to say his name. Alas, it seems Tutankhamun will be revived by Australia in 2021.