The Nighwatchman : World Wide Rebel Songs

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The Nighwatchman : World Wide Rebel Songs


If you like fairly bland rootsy rock, you will probably dig this album like a hole. For the rest of us, it’s an excruciating effort to just make it through to the end. The only real moment of rock energy comes from track three, It Begins Tonight, the rest is interminably strumming acoustic guitars and the vaguely irritating wail of a blues harp. The record would be somewhat redeemed by a beautiful voice out the front of it all, however Morello’s vocals are one dimensional to say the very least.

World Wide Rebel Songs struggles to succeed at any level. Musically it’s monotonous acoustic dirge. Lyrically it attempts to make a statement, but ultimately has very little to say. Vocally, it’s banal.

Best Track : It Begins Tonight

If you like these, you’ll dig this : Bland rock.

In a word : Pointless