The Doctor Who Whoniverse Is Coming To Melbourne In 2015

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The Doctor Who Whoniverse Is Coming To Melbourne In 2015


Matt Smith (the eeventh Doctor), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and Alex Kingston (River Song) are set to join the Melbourne event, which is part of a national tour, and will mark the first time a modern-era Doctor has appeared at a convention in Australia.

Smith and Gillan filled their roles as the eleventh Doctor and his companion Amy Pond, for three seasons from 2010. Kingston initially appeared in Season Four (2008) episodes of Doctor Who, before reprising her role alongside Smith and Gillan throughout the next three seasons.

The trio will be appearing on stage to share stories and participate in Q&As with fans. Each show will also feature autograph and professional photograph opportunities, plus auctions, raffles, trivia and rare collectibles.