The Clever References

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The Clever References

Get ready for an unforgettable night of music as THE CLEVER REFERENCES launch their highly anticipated debut album, “ALL GOOD”!

Join us for an incredible live performance as the band plays the album from start to finish, along with special guest appearances by alt rockers USELESS SPACEMAN and prog pop virtuosos BLACK DIME CABARET.

Hailing from all over Naarm and beyond, THE CLEVER REFERENCES have taken the powerpop bubblegrunge scene by storm, releasing some of the catchiest tunes around. With massive viral hits on TikTok, they’re finally ready to unveil their first full-length album. If you’re a fan of Weezer, Pixies, or They Might Be Giants, you won’t want to miss this!

Joining the lineup, USELESS SPACEMAN are a group of Brunswickian alt rockers who expertly blend Aussie good vibes with a lyrical depth reminiscent of American Music Club, Counting Crows, and Temple of the Dog.

Adding a touch of theatricality to the night, BLACK DIME CABARET is a conceptual prog-pop rock act that brings to life the twisted and dark stories of writer Brandon Young. Get ready to be captivated by their vocal harmonies and melodic guitar and piano riffs, which draw inspiration from bands like The Dear Hunter, Coheed and Cambria, and The Decemberists.

Mark your calendars and grab your tickets – DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 PM.
Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind musical experience that’s sure to be “All Good”!