Review: ‘The Briefing’ has you laughing about the state of US politics

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Review: ‘The Briefing’ has you laughing about the state of US politics

Words by Josh Fergeus


The Briefing features American expat Melissa McGlensey taking on Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, the notorious former press secretary at the Trump White House.  Well, they’re technically all notorious. Remember the Mooch? Priceless.

McGlensey’s (almost) one-woman show is essentially character stand-up, augmented by an improvised question and answer session featuring full audience participation. She’s great as Huckabee-Sanders, ably capturing the style of Trump’s defender-in-chief, oscillating between worshipful acolyte and fierce attack dog.

The preview show was a little patchy in parts, but was thoroughly engaging and delivered some excellent belly laughs. Inevitably, McGlensey will hit her stride even better over the course of the run; she’s clearly talented, quick and witty. Watch out for her deadpan delivery of a joke about the future of birdlife in the US.

The clunkiest parts were when McGlensey had to rely on her assistant/secret service offsider, and it was clear that a few more runs through the material would have helped. However, when in stand and deliver mode, even during the (mostly) improvised question and answer session, she shines through as a truly funny and likeable entertainer.

If you’re interested in US politics and looking for a laugh, this should be in your calendar.

The Briefing is running until Tuesday September 24 as part of Melbourne Fringe

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