The Aints produce old-fashioned rock’n’roll on ‘The Church Of The Simultaneous Existence’

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The Aints produce old-fashioned rock’n’roll on ‘The Church Of The Simultaneous Existence’


Ed Kuepper brings together a bunch of like-minded souls, re-enlivens The Aints, and swings for the crime by recording songs like The Saints would have had the world been a better place. Wonderfully, this album draws on some material written pre-Saints and other writings which haven’t previously seen the light of day.

‘Red Aces’ and the titular track feature the punk era power and menace. Horns blare, the rhythm sector rumbles, and Kuepper delivers the songs in his usual efficient and durable manner. ‘You Got The Answer’ is the sound of excess, as horns, piano, and drums all blend together to create a wall of sound which brilliantly leads into ‘Country Song In G’ where Kuepper applies his voice at its dizzying best.

Given the songs have been dormant since the ‘60s, this record presents something of a manifesto for 2018. No gimmicks, just heads down bums up rock’n’roll. Lyrical integrity supplements the grit and vigour of the playing and everyone concerned can be well pleased with the results of their collective musical odyssey.