Ten Things You Didn’t Know About… Ivan Leon from Perle Conche

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Ten Things You Didn’t Know About… Ivan Leon from Perle Conche


What was the first gig that your band played and how did it go?

Perle Conche played for the first time at Copacabana International. After such a great effort rehearsing for a few months prior the launch of the band it was a fantastic night.

What was the last piece of music that inspired you and why?

Many songs and artist have inspired me but I have to admit that when I listen to Irakere, Michel Camilo, Los Van Van, Ng La Banda, Marc Anthony, Luis Miguel, Dream Theater  and few other great artists I just feel that their music inspires me in every single way.

What was the last book you read and what was it about?

The Gruen Transfer based on the ABC TV show. This book is related purely on how marketing impacts on society.

Name your top ten albums.

1.   All Irakere albums

2.   3.0 (Marc Anthony)

3.   DLG

4.   Ruben Blades y son del Solar (Ruben Blades)

5.   All Juan Luis Guerra albums

6.   All Luis Miguel albums

7.   Tres gotas de agua bendita (Gloria Estefan)

8.   All Los Van Van albums.

9    All Dream Theater albums

10. El Cantante (Hector Lavoe)

If you could go back in time and meet a famous person that has passed away who would it be and why?

Celia Cruz, because she was a great inspiration to Latin music around the world.

If you could be mentored by any musician who would it be and why?

Marc Anthony because of his vocal range, talent, stage presence and experience

Ask for permission or forgiveness? Which one and why?

None of them.

Favourite quote?

All or nothing (that’s my saying always)

Three rules that all musos must obey.

Enjoy, live & love in a passionate way.

Complete this sentence, only a muso knows ….

Musicians are sexier than normal people, that’s a fact!