Victoria’s premier bush rave.
Strawberry Fields Festival
November 26 – November 28, 2010.
The Great Victorian Bush.
Underground Resistance DJs, Model 500, Telefon Tel Aviv, Alex Smoke, Neelix, Boris Brejcha, Wrecked Machines, Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Liquid Soul, Freq, Child and many more.
What else:
Camping! In tents!
The smiles, the sunburn, the sounds, the sky and the clouds. The strangers, the friends, and the foreigners. The driving, the dancing, the laughing, and the falling over in the dark. The campsite envy, the forgetting of socks, the lack of ice and surplus of dirt. These are the things which will define the greatest weekend of your life. There will be no rules, save that you respect one another and yourself. There will be no walls, only patchwork fences that do little to shut out the beauty of the surrounding Australian bush. Welcome to paradise. Welcome to the wild world of Strawberry Fields.
Something… or nothing.
For three days you will live with thousands of strangers, encountering the limits of human sight and sound and surpassing them, making new friends, losing your sanity, finding it again and experiencing all that life has to offer.