Splendour In The Grass reveals 2018 playing times

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Splendour In The Grass reveals 2018 playing times


Splendour In The Grass is just around the corner and the second most important announcement, after the lineup, is the schedule. Packing so many juicy acts into three days usually means that you and your mates will be parting ways at least a few times during the festival to catch your favourite acts. 

This year looks to be pretty safe in terms of band clashes – depending on who you’re there to see – but it’s best to start planning now before you get there, have a few too many beers and miss half the acts you wanted to catch. 

As well as the playing times, the festival site map is also now yours to peek so you can determine the best routes for running between stages and what not. So get planning and start arguing with your mates about which acts to catch. 

Not heading to Splendour? Catch our pick of SITG sideshows here.