Speed Date With…Poison Fish

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Speed Date With…Poison Fish


What Do You Look For in a Band?

A punk band with little regard for their general wellbeing, to keep an energetic and reckless show that is never dull despite slowly aging bodies.

Keeping Busy?

We have been putting the finishing touches on our debut album that we recorded at Beveridge Road Studio late last year. In the meantime, we recently released a double A-side of our songs Jerk and Pot Glasses Thrown Across the Country as a teaser/preview of what is to come. It will be available for free at our next show.

Best Gig Ever

One of our best shows was when we recently played at a friend’s wedding. It was weird to play in suits while hurling our instruments and ourselves around the stage.

We weren’t sure how the couple’s family would react to us and what we do, but when the bride’s aunts and uncles (and some grandparents) started to get into our overly loud punk rock it got super weird and also really cool.

Current Playlist

If we are partying we usually like to slam out the first Pigtails EP, but we have also been giving The Melvins and Kyuss their fair share of listens. But when we tone it down a little we don’t mind some of The Eels, Elliott Smith and Gareth Liddiard.

Your Ultimate Rider

Pete (drummer) would love to have a bottle of cheap port and someone that’ll just listen to him by the end of the night. Nick (bassist) would request a slab of VB, Golden Gaytime ice creams and Commando on DVD. Josh (guitarist/singer) would request someone to fix his gear after the show and also a sober drummer.