60 Seconds With…The Villenettes

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60 Seconds With…The Villenettes


Hi there. Who are we speaking to and what do you do in the band?

I’m Anna and I sing and stomp around the stage.

Your band is described as a mix of original rock’n’roll, mixed with surf, girl group and zombie punk, as well as as “a Tarantino fan’s wet dream”. Care to elaborate?

When we started the band we wanted to lean towards a ’50s rock’n’roll vibe, but as we got songwriting the sound took on various influences and so we’ve ended up sounding like a mash of everything. And a Tarantino fan’s wet dream apparently.

Your upcoming 7″ is called I Love You… But Rum Is Better. What’s the story behind the title?

We had a song that we wouldn’t play at shows because of the lyrical content that we thought was too good not to use, so I changed the lyrics to make it more appropriate for playing live. The “I love you…but rum is better” came from a 30 second segment we did on The Music Room that we had always been meaning to revisit and turn into something. The title is pretty fitting as anyone who knows us, knows how much we love spiced rum.

If you had to name a favourite show in your three-plus years as a band, what would it be and why?

We played a show that the sound guy was about three hours late because he was on a weekend bender. By the time we got on stage, it was 2am and I had had a few too many Sailor Jerrys. I spent a whole song just sitting on the drum riser death staring out to the crowd.