So you want to be an entertainment event organiser?

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So you want to be an entertainment event organiser?


Get down to Sorry Grandma this Thursday to see the event organisers of the future put on a special showcase featuring DJ Andy Murphy!

William Angliss Institute is now interviewing for places in the Course in Entertainment Operations for semester one, 2011.  This unique course runs for a full semester part-time (Fridays 9am-6pm), and is designed to train you to run entertainment events such as nightclub events, fashion shows, concerts, festivals or any other performance-based event.  A fundamental aspect of the course is the hands-on approach to learning through participation in the organisation of a live event, or similar work experience activities. Entertainment Operations is delivered by industry experts with years of in-the-field experience. For nine years the organisers have directed students in the production of club events and fashion shows, and provided students direction in their chosen career path.

You can see current students in action when they present their end of semester event at Sorry Grandma, 590 Little Bourke Street, CBD, on Thursday the 25th of November.  DJs Rob Sama, Andrew Dickson and Julian Paredes will be joined by very special guest DJ Andy Murphy (pictured above).  This will be an eccentric mix of performance alongside a unique fashion showcase from the spirited collection at Harry Wragg, Melbourne’s newest vintage boutique.  Doors open at 9pm and tickets are $20. For pre-sale tickets please see contact details below.

So, if you’re dreaming of working in the business of music, fashion and shows, it’s not too late to enroll. Contact William Angliss Institute Entertainment Operations on 96062599, or email [email protected]  for more information.