So you wanna make it as a freelancer? Here’s how.

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So you wanna make it as a freelancer? Here’s how.


The best thing about freelancing is, as the name suggests, is the freedom to do as you please and follow your passion. But there are some pitfalls that you’ll need to avoid if you want to make a sustainable living out of it. We’ve talked to those who have been there so you can learn from those who have been there. 

Be Prepared to Hustle 

Sometimes it’s hard to hustle when nobody’s telling you to. Set yourself up with a certain amount of job pitches a week in order to sustain income. As long as you are organised, you’ll never get snowed under.

Work from a Space that Works For You 

Don’t let the comfort of freelance life slow down productivity. Set alarms to wake, get out of your trackies, out of the house and perhaps set up an office in a library. They are super productive and there’s still nobody breathing down your neck. 

Sure, working from bed in your pyjamas sounds like the dream. In actual fact, it’s super unmotivating. If you’re just entering the world of freelancing, chances are you won’t be lashing out on a fancy South Melbourne studio. Do yourself a favour: head to Ikea, pick up some nice office supplies and give yourself a dedicated area in which to work. You’ll be more productive, and also won’t end up associating your favourite place (read: bed) with work.

Communication is Key 

Set boundaries with the client and be clear on your creative process and what you’re going to deliver. Miscommunication could mean you won’t get that scrilla. Which at the end of the day is what you’ve got to bring home if you’re going to avoid heading back to that dreaded office job. 

Know How to Invoice 
Google is a beautiful thing. A quick search of ‘invoice templates’ will present you with plenty of downloadable options. Simply customise a template with your details and watch the money flow in. Another handy trick is to start your invoice numbers in the hundreds (ie: 111 for your first and 112 for your second). You don’t want people to think this is your first rodeo, or they’re more likely to undervalue your work.  
Turns out, getting an ABN is super easy and takes two minutes online. You can also download invoice templates online, on Pages or on Word to make yourself look more professional. Pro tip: keep invoices sorted in folders of each financial year on your computer. You’ll thank yourself come tax time.
Strut Your Stuff with a Great Website 
The creative industry doesn’t want to listen to you talk yourself up. The best way is to show them. Invest time and money into a good website. As a freelancer, it’s your first real point of contact with potential clients and a great way to show off your skills.

Up Your Skills with Some Quality Education 

Check out a place like Photography Studies College, that offer everything from free workshops to full and part time courses that’ll help you refine your craft to the best of your ability. As well as online courses, they’ve also got curriculum that zeroes in on modern day essentials, like mastering social media. Mid year enrollments are open now, so go check it out