Singles with Lachlan: Kaiit, Total Giovanni and more

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Singles with Lachlan: Kaiit, Total Giovanni and more


Single Of The Week

Kaiit : Natural Woman

The greatness of Kaiit is immediate on Natural Woman, but it takes several welcome spins to get even a slight grasp on the facets of brilliance on show. Verses sublimate from jazzy powerhouse into tightly wound rap bars, launching into a feel-amazing chorus. It’s not just reminiscent of The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill, but reminiscent of the very best moments from The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill, while still sounding like a voice that’s Kaiit’s own. The best track to come from Melbourne this year so far. And it will be hard to top from here.

Kelela : LMK

The devices present on LMK are mostly in-line with the makings of top 40 pop, only moments of raw tenderness from Kelela and gnarled darkness from producer Jam City build a barricade to mainstream radio. It’s a potent mood, shunning a within-reach embrace of mainstream radio to achieve the makings of what could be the best bedroom anthem of recent memory.

Total Giovanni : 
Your Light

There’s little alteration to the Total Giovanni formula on Your Light, just a subtle refinement of ingredients in the form of more pronounced instrumentation. The band’s innate sense of fun strains a touch under the burden of familiarity, an invitation of comparison to Total Giovanni’s previous, and superior, singles leaves you wanting. The band shine on stage, but nearing three years since Human Animal and Can’t Control Your Love, there’s little in the way of an evolution, let alone revolution, to provide the depth needed for a full-length release.


Lowtide : Alibi

Melody billows among the wash in Alibi, almost feeling joyous but retracting just short. It compounds the song’s exploration of being steadily engulfed in emotional languor. There’s quiet devastation in the loudness.