Sammy J—Skinny Man, Modern World

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Sammy J—Skinny Man, Modern World


Sammy J strikes a chord with Melbourne Fringe Festival goers.

Sammy J warns you that he only has three real jokes in his show, Skinny Man, Modern World, but you get so many more. Co-winner of this year’s Barry Award for Best Show at the Melbourne Comedy Festival, you won’t regret a night spent with Sammy J.

His solo show is a friendly, intimate treat, with warm lighting and a welcoming atmosphere. He engaged the audience, ran through the crowd chasing a heckler, and made us feel included when he collectively named us ‘Team Friday’.

Sammy J is lovable, touching, philosophical and yet still manages to shriek ‘Spice up your life!’ in the middle of a heartbreaking love song. What you get is an always unexpected and distracted show, but that makes it all the more fun to watch.

There is never a low point in his set and the audience were heard laughing continuously as he broke up his set into song, story, and times when he would rant while wandering the stage sipping his Prima Juice Box.

The few songs he included were intelligent and brilliant—almost being Tim Minchin-like in their humorous but poignant nature. The music also added variety and punch to the show, while giving it a subtle tension and closeness.

And don’t forget his personal stories, some of which were tender, such as when he spoke of how his grandchildren will just delete the hard-drive of his life after he is gone. But of course, there were some cocks, an anus and some haphazard screaming thrown in, too.

Murmurs after the show from a primarily younger audience rung true of the night: ‘so clever’, ‘unexpected’ and ‘hilarious’.

Stop reading this review and go book tickets to the unique, creative comic genius of Sammy J, because it’s bound to be a sell-out.