In ‘Bin Night’ Sammy J & Randy reunite for their third comedy collaboration as they hold an all-night stakeout to try and catch the bandit who has been dumping rubbish in their bin. With a basic backdrop and cartoonish props, the show feels a bit like one of the original Muppet shows … with swearing, innuendos and violence.
Much of the humour originates from the pair’s songs and fast-paced banter, mostly in a self-deprecating style. Neither Sammy J or Randy’s puppeteer Heath McIvor have a problem with making fun of themselves – turning missed cues and fumbled lines into some of the highlights of the show. There are times where the witty dialogue becomes forced and tiresome, but not without the performers’ knowledge, adding it into the show with side remarks like “We seriously considered cutting this scene” and “It gets worse” referring to a never-ending list of meat-based puns.
Sammy J’s songwriting abilities shine through, and while the songs don’t deal with heavy themes, his upbeat melodies about hidden secrets and battery-buying work perfectly both within the context of ‘Bin Night’ and outside. Heath McIvor animates Randy in such a way that the most subtle of emotions can be read on the characters largely immovable face. At times it seems as if you can read Randy’s emotions in his eyes – that is before remembering they are plastic domes with black spots drawn on them. One of Sammy J’s final songs hints at the ridiculous, nonsensical nature of their show, but it’s doubtful that many audiences members bought tickets expecting a dramatic plot line.
No, ‘Bin Night’ probably isn’t their best show but it’s certainly not garbage (pun intended). If you don’t mind a few hammed-up laughs and a bit of crude humour then Sammy J & Randy serve up an excellent night of unintelligent fun.
Sammy J & Randy in ‘Bin Night’ is running until April 24 at the Victoria Hotel. Tickets are available via Ticketmaster.