Rock’n’Roll Shindig

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Rock’n’Roll Shindig


What’s a Rock’n’Roll Shindig?

Our name originated from Chuck Berry’s TV Show Shindig. The meaning of the word represents a get together of people in a particular place to play music, dance, have fun and enjoy life.


We like it. Keep talking.

Rock’n’roll, swing, rockabilly music. It’s about dancing to great live bands, socialising dressing up in the surroundings of an opulent hall.


What made you decide to put together the event?

After being part of the Rock’n’Roll, Rockabilly, Hot Rod & Classical Car scene for over 25 years, it was timeā€¦


If one was to ignore their ears, what will the event smell, feel, look and taste like?

Brylcreem, pomade, perfume, Taft hairspray, 1940s and ’50s vintage style class and elegance.


Who’s playing?

Benny & the Fly by Niters and Straight 8’s


Who’s on your turntable?

Chuck Berry, Elvis, Bill Haley, Johnny O’Keefe, Eddie Cochran, Roy Orbison, Benny Goodman, Louis Prima, Glenn Miller, Dean Martin,Brenda Lee and Wanda Jackson to name a few.


Alright. We’re in. What’s the final word?

Saturday August 20 August at St Kilda Town Hall Tickets at

Wear your best outfit, bring your best dancing shoes, expect to have fun!