Radnor and Lee : Radnor and Lee

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Radnor and Lee : Radnor and Lee


While the lyrics are thought-provoking and often touch on the more upbeat and spiritual parts of life, the music itself is a little bit of a letdown. Acoustic guitar is the star of the show here (it’s a folk album after all), with cameos from violins and keyboards.


Some of the songs can get a little same-y and the pop half of the folk-pop fusion can feel slightly overwhelming, making parts of the album feel more like a generic singalong than a carefully composed record.


The music will be familiar to Ben Lee fans, with even more of a catchy vibe. Josh Radnor shows on this album that he deserves to be seen as a serious musician and not just the guy from HIMYM tagging along for the ride. His singing matches that of music veteran Lee and really adds to the album in terms of harmonies and musicianship.


Despite this, the album never really comes out of its shell, and needs to take more risks to really make it a must listen.

