Q&A: Vida Cain

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Q&A: Vida Cain


What part of making music excites you the most?

Aside from the obvious feeling of writing something new, exciting and expressing yourself creatively, the thing I love most are the crowds. A crowd is what makes a gig either memorable or not. There doesn’t need to be 1000 people there, just a good crowd who are loving what you are doing and showing their appreciation. Having underwear thrown on stage is always a good sign!

Why should everyone come and see your band?
Not only have we come all the way from Perth just to play for you, but given that you all have short attention spans, our songs are nice and short…all killer and no filler. We pump out a heap of energy which will fill everyone in the room with love, joy and happiness.

So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?
If they were just walking past, they may have been able to catch at least three of our aforementioned short songs. They would say to their friend, ‘Why am I standing here talking to you like a dick when there is a great band from Perth on in the other room? I’m going back in there, bye asshole.’

When, and why did you start writing music?

I would have been about ten years old. We were away at some family camp and me and some other little kid made up a cheeky song that took the piss out of all of the parents, and then sang it to them, and then they gave us money. I only knew one chord then, but hey, sometimes you only need one chord if the lyrics are as deep as that. I think the chorus mentioned that one of my friend’s parents smelt like horse poo.

Do you have a pre-gig ritual? If so, what is it?
Well mine isn’t that interesting. A shot of Agwa then some vocal exercises. I did however once see a hard rock band rubbing Dencorub on each other and bumping chests like they were getting ready for a WWE fight. Maybe that would help. They did stink the band room out with Dencorub though, so there is at least one downside.

How do you stop your pre-gig jitters?


When are you playing live/releasing your album/EP/single/etc?

By the sounds of it, we have a couple of great Melbourne shows on this tour. Friday May 31 at Northcote Social Club with Zoophyte & The Elliotts, and Saturday June 1 is Rock&Load Festival at The Espy. This tour is to promote our debut EP Vida Cain Rots ya Brain and our new AA-side single. That is all of the shameless plugging out the way I hope. (vidacain.com, sorry there’s some more.)