Q&A: Shanty Town

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Q&A: Shanty Town


Define your genre in five words or less:

‘60s Jamaican ska.

If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

We would humbly play Desmond Dekker our version of 007 (Shanty Town, .and then beg for his forgiveness! Desmond Dekker is a hero because his early songs dealt with the moral, cultural and social issues of mainstream Jamaican culture such as violence and economic difficulties. As such his lyrics resonated with both the Jamaican rude boys and the English Mods and we are firm believers in music with a message.

Which band would you most like to have a battle with?

The Westboro Baptist Church Choir.

What inspires or has influenced your music the most?

Our music is inspired by our emotions as we attempt to make sense of a world that makes none. Our influences include The Melodians, The Ethiopians and The Pioneers.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

To absolutely succeed these days a band must sell its soul. It is sad that in today’s world of pop idol bands who wish to succeed have to “bow” to record company executives as opposed to retaliating against them, which is what rock should be about. Chart music today appears to be dreadfully designed by executives attempting to attain cheap success without investing in any real talent. They have created a world of bubbly teenagers who want to be “idols” by miming. It’s not really the teenager’s fault. However, a lot of them appear to have bought into it. As Don Letts said, “It used to be, ‘Never trust anyone one over 25’ – these days it’s, ‘Never trust anyone under 25’!”

What do you love about making music?

The camaraderie, gang mentality and self-confidence that comes from playing with experienced musicians.

If your music was a chocolate bar, which one would it be, and why?

It would be a bar of Cadbury Old Gold Old Jamaica as we are a special blend of dark mature treasures, marinated in rum and processed with heat to prevent spoiling.

When are you playing live?

We play The LuWoW on Friday May 17 and The John Curtin Hotel on Friday June 28 with Melbourne ska legends Strange Tenants and The Auskas.