Q&A: Rumour Control

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Q&A: Rumour Control


Define your genre in five words or less.

Alternative, heavy, melodic, epic, rock.

What do you hate about the music industry?

The lack of money.

If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it be and why?

Radiohead, they are just too good. And they make us look shit.

What do you think a band has to do these days to succeed?

Get a degree in marketing and play pop songs.

Do you have any record releases to date? What are they? Where can I get them?

We are releasing our debut EP on Friday May 10. It was recorded at The Wick Studios in Melbourne and produced by Jesse Hooper from Killing Heidi. Buy it soon on Bandcamp or come to Cherry Bar on Friday May fo10 r a cheap EP and a free cider.

Describe the worst gig you have ever played.

We played at some cheap venue in fuck-nowhere (eastern suburbs) in front of one guy and his parents and all we got was party pies. Cold party pies.

If you could go on tour with any musician or band, who would it be?

Radiohead, before we assassinate them.

When’s the gig and with who?

Our EP Launch is at Cherry Bar on Friday May 10 with a great eclectic lineup featuring Beloved Elk, The Narrow Road and Pointless Nepean. And yeah, there is free cider.