Q&A: On Sierra

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Q&A: On Sierra


Ten bands everyone should know about:

Hiatus Koyote, Kalacoma, Holy Fuck, Euclid, Three Trapped Tigers, Lopaka, New Caledonia, The Sinking Teeth, Gatherer, Stockades.


Nine food items that you need to make a kickarse dinner party:

Avocado, red onion, garlic, chilli, lime, coriander, tomato, corn chips, Corona.


Eight possessions that define you:

Two cats, five snares, basketball.


Seven favourite movies/TV shows that go on your mix-tape:

NBA League Pass, Star Trek TOS, Star Trek Next Gen, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, X-Files, Frasier.


Six bad habits you can’t escape:  

Star Trek, goodnight gherkins, midnight munchies, fart noises, Parmesan cheese, winning


Five people who inspire you:

OSHO, Nikola Tesla, Peter Joseph, Ray Charles, Jean Luc Picard.


Four things that turn you on:

Star Trek Federation Uniforms, vintage Instruments,, being home alone, wide screen TVs.


Three goals for your music:

To consistently experiment with new ideas, make people dance, make lots of money.


Two live gigs you’ll never forget and why:

Camille at Billboards because she made me cry from my eyes, Roy Ayers at The Palace, because he made me jump and squeal like a little girl.


One day left before the apocalypse and you…

…are a zombie.


When’s the gig/release?

It’s at The Grace Darling on Saturday June 1. BAM!