Q&A: Bertie Page Clinic

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Q&A: Bertie Page Clinic


Bertie Page Clinic

Define your genre in five words or less:

Rock and roll Valkyrie

So, someone is walking past as you guys are playing, they then go get a beer and tell their friend about you… what do they say?

“I can die a happy man now, but I hope my boner goes down first.”

How long have you been gigging, writing and burlesque-ing?

I began performing burlesque in 2007 during my last year at Uni. Two years later I was taken forcefully from behind by the world of rock and since then writing and playing with the Clinic has been the main focus of my work.

What has been your favourite gig you’ve played to date?

My favourite gig was in France, in the heart of Brittany in July this year. We played in a place called Rennes, an old town which is fueled by rock and roll energy. The venue was a 17th century tavern, hardly anyone spoke English and nobody gave a shit, they just wanted to rock hard. One eight year old boy wanted a Clinic t-shirt, he was cruising around the pub proudly wearing our shirt with naked boobs printed on it. I also got to crowd surf, they won’t let you do that here but in Europe anything goes.

You have been described as “Rock and Roll in A G-string”. How does the audience react to this combination?

It’s more than a small item of lingerie, it’s a way of life. If you’re a true rocker you live and breathe rock and roll, and it’s my purpose in life to nurture and promote its feminine incarnations. When most people leave one of our shows they’re surprised that they have witnessed an outrageous expression of female power and sexuality without feeling affronted. There there are lots of people who just think I’m a slut. Fair enough.

Who is the biggest musical influence on the band and why?

Meatloaf has always been my main frame of reference; together with Jim Steinman he has created what I consider to be a masterful combination of rock, classical music and operatic theatrics. My musical knights in shining armor have been my co-writers Phill Wilson and John Meyer, they are the instrumental warhorses to my songwriting chariot.

How do you discover that Burlesque is for you? What drew you to it?

It was the art form itself which drew me to burlesque, there isn’t one element which can be singled out as the most attractive. I also focused my university studies on burlesque, the gender play, the politics, the way it can be used to position women in society. There is a freedom of creativity in burlesque; many means of expression can be used to communicate ideas, singing, mime, circus, boobs, plenty of boob work in there.

When are you playing live/releasing your album/EP/single/etc?

Our next move is The Cannon Ball, a rock and roll masquerade raising money for those modern day pirates Sea Shepherd. We will be joined by acclaimed burlesque artists Lena Marlene and Coppelia Jane (Miss Burlesque QLD), we’re also bringing Brisbane cabaret outfit the Rag Tag Band. Additional hair power will be added by tressed out Sydneysiders Contraban and local louts My Dynamite.