Purity Tattoo & Body Piercing

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Purity Tattoo & Body Piercing


734 High St, Thornbury (03) 9484 6569


What happens during the tattoo consultation? We talk about tattoo placement, actual style of design, if it will be colour or black and grey and also go over any reference pictures the client brings in with them. We sort out the deposit and try get as much information to get as close as we can to the client’s request.


Can I get drunk, high or otherwise intoxicated before my appointment? NO and if you turn up drug induced, drunk or pilling off your face or on anything you won’t be tattooed and you will lose your deposit, Most people think for some reason you need to be fucked up to be tattooed due to the pain – the only thing it all does is amp up all the bad feelings and make it way worse.


Do you guys do piercings? Yes, we do body piercing of all types, custom tattooing of all styles, artwork and scarification as well. We try to cover everything most people need. We also order custom body jewelry with overnight delivery and sell body jewelry in store, t-shirts, hats as well.


How do you diplomatically counsel someone with a really ugly tattoo idea? We try to explain it won’t transfer well as an actual tattoo or if it’s really bad we will just tell them that it’s just a plain bad idea. Most young people especially are super vain so if you tell them it’s not “hot” they will drop the idea real quick! hahaha

Do you sell gift certificates? Yes we do, valid for 12 months for either body-piercing, tattooing, scarification, body jewelry, shirts or hats.


Do you accept walk-ins? Yes we do most days if there is a spare spot when one of the guys isn’t tattooing. I guess it’s just luck if you get in on any given day, we can usually fit someone else in sometimes between appointments.


If you could tattoo anyone in the world (living or dead), who would it be and what would you tattoo on them?  Horiyoshi 111 for sure and also Brandon Bond as they are two of my favourite tattooists. They have changed the face and profile of tattooing and have stayed the same the entire time and just let their work speak itself and not followed trends.


Would you say the studio has a particular style it adheres to? We do all styles of work but my fave style is “horror realism” and really detailed things. I try to keep tattooists in house that can do everything that comes through the front door, not just traditional. We enjoy tattooing in general, not just what styles we want to tattoo ourselves.


Who are the current resident artists on staff? Mik Dwyer, Darcy Neve, Arron Fordham.


What’s the longest session someone has done in the studio? I tattooed a client that flew in from Indonesia for 9.5 hours straight. He flew in on the Friday night, Saturday all day, and was back at the airport early Sunday morning to fly home! It was pretty tough the next morning for both of us I think!


Have you noticed a shift in the trend of tattoo customers? We get a lot more “professionals” now and a lot more women as well now that tattoos aren’t viewed as just for men.


What three tattoos are you sick of being asked for? Infinity symbols, birds coming out of a feather and finger mustaches. It doesn’t really bother me as I enjoy tattooing anything and I don’t like tattoo snobs. I’m happy just doing what I love everyday!


What is different about tattooing in Melbourne? Melbourne is great for tattooing. People are open to original ideas, feel more comfortable getting larger pieces due to the relaxed work environment down here now due to the popularity of tattoos. The only downside are the egos down here.


What do you think about tattoo regulation, and the laws that are currently being passed? I’m fine with them. I know most people are pissed about it, but if you’re a good reputable studio and above board I can’t see a problem with it at all. Invasion of privacy seems to be the biggest concern with most people but you give more information to get a home loan or open a simple bank account and most people do that everyday and don’t blink an eyelid.

My mate tattoos from home. He’s real good though. Why shouldn’t I just get him to do my tattoo for real cheap? Because if he is any good as you say he would be in a studio tattooing. He would also know better if he were a good tattooist that it is very disrespectful to real tattooist that have sacrificed to get to where they are and taken the huge risk of opening a studio of their own! Plus he wouldn’t have a clue about hygiene or any safe tattooing practices to the level he should.

Face/hand/neck tattoos? Only if you have a decent amount of coverage already, sleeves etc., hands, necks and face tattoos are still pretty much job stoppers in this day and age even though a lot of employers are a bit more relaxed about tattoos now due to the overwhelming popularity now.