Pegz : Drama

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Pegz : Drama


Few can lay claim to having paid the kind of dues Pegz has.

Few can lay claim to having paid the kind of dues Pegz has. Whether it is his succession of landmark solo releases or his tireless endeavours at Obese Records, the man from Prahran has been around for more than a minute. 2011 marks a new chapter for the boss, poised to release his fourth solo long player, anticipation is gradually increasing as samples of the new work manifest online. Moments of intense introspection are dotted throughout the album, but a mass of producers, perhaps one of the strongest lineups assembled in recent times keep the outlook uplifting. Drama, Pegz’ most recent effort features the kind of lyrical audacity he is renowned for.

Of course, hearing Pegz perform or record in a solo capacity is something that, for a time, was not meant to actuate again after the veteran stated he was instead going to focus on Gully Platoon material as well as the daily operation at Obese Records. Pegz describes the rationale that inspired the original decision. “Just workload really, trying to juggle work and touring is not really the greatest mix. Just with the everyday responsibilities of running Obese, it became more of a workload thing and even a personal promise I made to my fiancée at the time.”

When questioned regarding his thoughts on the decision now, Pegz is very levelheaded through the words he offers in reply. “I think a lot of things have happened since, that re-inspired me to keep writing. Some personal matters have really inspired me to make this Drama record. Maybe I have a few regrets that stem from losing a touch of momentum over those years but I’m all good with it. I probably could have achieved some other things, but look, I’m happy with it, I think it has worked out for the best.”

Anyone keeping abreast of Pegz’ studio movements in recent years will undoubtedly be aware of his exceptional work with Dialectrix and Joe New under the Gully Platoon banner, Pegz describes how the decision to resume the solo work correlates with the trio’s album. “Probably a week or so after the Gully Platoon album I decided to pursue the solo stuff again. My best friend of 20 years had just passed away and that really left me in a hole for a long time. That hole allowed me to try express a lot of emotion from that experience. I feel like I owe myself another shot at it. I think my friend’s passing is what really inspired this record.”

Drama marks the beginning of a new episode in Pegz’ personal recording history in more ways than one. He explains how there were many new elements and methods introduced to the creative process. “This is the first time I worked in a studio away from home. Before, I was just pressing the button myself on the computer and running into the booth which was a bit of a pain in the ass. It’s a little bit different when you go to work in another studio, particularly one you haven’t used before. It’s just good to get out of the house. This was the first time I was 100 per cent comfortable working with someone I can take feedback from, I’ve never really had that experience where someone has brought out the absolute best from me.”

Pegz has systematically gone about changing habits for this new release. Even something as simple as the chronology of recording has been re-configured, so as to amplify focus on each individual track. “With Drama, I wrote a song then recorded it a week or two later, gave it another week at which point I would go back in and touch up everything I think needed to be touched up and then move onto the next song. It was almost like I was clearing my head with the completion of each song rather than just piling up all of these songs and ideas. That becomes a melting pot of mixed thoughts. There isn’t much clarity there. With the new one, things were happening to me which I would immediately put to lyrics. I think that immediacy has really helped the songs.”

“I think it is ultimately for the best if I continue to write this way. To have that punch, that emotion in the moment is critical to record before moving on to the next song when a different kind of emotion takes over you know?” It is very interesting to note that the age-old ‘getting heavy shit off your chest’ type of pure expression is the source of ignition for Pegz’ latest recorded efforts. The inherent strength and mental fortitude associated with Drama is something that has to be heard to be understood, it is without doubt Pegz’ best work to date.

Pegz [AUS] releases his fourth solo studio album Drama on Friday April 8 through Obese Records. He also plays at the Hi-Fi Bar on Friday May 20 and Saturday May 21.