PechaKucha Night unleashes creative presentations in Melbourne

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PechaKucha Night unleashes creative presentations in Melbourne


Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, PechaKucha Nights have concise, rapid-fire presentation formats of 20 images in 20 seconds that strip away anything getting in the way of the core idea itself. The gatherings are an informal and fun way for creative people to get together and share their ideas, works, thoughts and projects, without any of the fat.

Anyone at all can present, provided you’re passionate about what you’re showcasing, and the topics are limited only to your imagination. The nights are of a casual, “think and drink” atmosphere, where unwinding is encouraged.

This year’s theme is “Enough Is Enough”: a topic that explores the all-too-constant struggle between striving for perfection and knowing when to stop on a project. What should you cut? What should you keep? At what point is something complete?