Pack a picnic rug because the Coburg Drive-In is back open today

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Pack a picnic rug because the Coburg Drive-In is back open today

drive-in cinemas Melbourne
Words by Tom parker

Screening the likes of Step BrothersThe Breakfast Club and Unhinged right off the bat.

The Coburg Drive-In has announced it will be recommencing screenings from Thursday October 29 as Melbourne makes its transition to the Third Step of the ‘COVID Normal’ roadmap.

To celebrate the reopening, the outdoor cinema will be screenings both recent releases and old classics and return to a nightly schedule. With indoor cinemas still waiting for the green light to get things going again, it will be one of the only cinemas in the state to be open when it does.

Given the cinema will be reopening just in time for Halloween, a host of horror films will be shown to get things started. On night one, screenings of the Janelle Monae-starring Antebellum, Step Brothers, The Breakfast Club, The Craft: Legacy and Unhinged will take place.

On Friday October 30, Antebellum will again be screened, as will The Craft: Legacy and Unhinged, while The Invisible Man and Trolls World Tour will be added to the mix. From there, the likes of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hocus Pocus, Scream and The Princess Bride will take to the silver screen.

The cinema’s American-style diner will also be open while you can also order snacks through the Coburg Drive-In app which will then be delivered straight to your car.

Check out the screening times and purchase tickets via the Village Cinemas website

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