Over-Reactor Vs. The Khyber Belt

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Over-Reactor Vs. The Khyber Belt


Ezekiel Ox (Over-Reactor) questions Tyson Fish (The Khyber Belt)


How did your “super group” come about?

“When Guy Shenfield phones you up asking if you want to play in his band you say, “Fuck yeah, brother.’”


What is a Khyber Belt?

“It’s a spelling error.”


Gaga: yes or no?

“If you’re reading New Weekly, yes. Listening to the radio, no”. 


When will a recording be available to listen to? I’m stinging!

“Very soon brother man. A few sessions to go and then Mr Forrester Savell will be mixing up a storm.”

Who writes the songs?

“Guy got the ball rolling and now it’s a collective effort. It’s truly amazing to be in a rehearsal room filled with inspiring song writers. The future is looking excellent.”


How’s your new job working at Chris Cheney’s studio going?

“As the kids say these days it’s like totes ridic. To land a job at a studio as quality as Red Door Sounds is beyond my wildest dreams, and I’ve had some pretty wild fucking dreams.”


What was your first show like as a band?

“Ummmm, well during the songs where all our equipment was working I reckon it was splendid.”


How is it having a vocalist that lives in Brisbane? Does this give you more of a National focus?

“Our focus has never been anything but. We’ve all seen the far reaches of this magnificent country and we plan to see it all again. Skype jams are just the way of the future.”


It’s the morning after, and you can barely remember their name (let alone yours). Do you use their toothbrush?

“What’s a toothbrush?”


When was the last time you had a spew?

“Does a priest shit in the woods?”





You’ve always brought a very strong message with your music. Can punters expect the same from Over-Reactor?

“The message remains the same: We deserve better, and I reckon we should fight for it!”

Does playing in a 2-piece outfit make things more simple or more complicated?

“More simple. You can’t bitch behind each other’s backs, otherwise you end up talking to yourself, which is the first sign of madness.  Booking rehearsals is easy too.”

Are socks like shoes? One for the left and one for the right?

“Eventually. Over time they hold shape, but when you first crack a new pair, it’s anything goes baby!”

Chris Cheney got up for a jamski with you fellas recently. How did that come about?

“I became buddies with Chris because Mammal played a lot of festivals with The Living End.  Eventually we swapped numbers.  I just called him up and asked if he wanted to play on our album.  He said he did, so once it was done we agreed it would be fun to do it live.  Turns out it was.”

What are your thoughts on the ‘free music ‘revolution’?

“I reckon it puts the focus back on bands that play well live, and that’s what I’m all about. Also, I record and produce all my albums myself now, so cost are down for me thanks to my talented friends.”

Do you think bands put to much emphasis on radio airplay as an indicator / necessity for success?

“Each band has different goals, or should have.  The main thing is they know what they are, want to improve and can do it live.  If you can’t pull it off live, I say you should fuck off back to the rehearsal studio.”

Aliens. How many have you met?
“Cory (my partner in Over-Reactor) is from another planet.”

Whats in the CD player buddy?
“Nina Simone. I feed my son Griffin breakfast and listen to it in the morning.  He loves her smooth tones and so does Dad.”

Without giving too much away what ya got in store for Showdown?
“Phat beats and in your face attitude.”

Have you ever over reacted?
“Too many times to recall.”