Over 2,000 people want Schapelle Corby to be the next Bachelorette

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Over 2,000 people want Schapelle Corby to be the next Bachelorette


It’s no secret that it’s been a rough couple of years for Schapelle Corby. But you know what? We reckon she’s on the up and up.

Not only did she release one of the greatest pieces of recorded music ever known to man and have a huge homecoming party thrown in her honour, she’s now got something else rather exciting on the cards. No, it’s not a long-awaited return to boogie boarding. Enter: Schapelle Corby, Australia’s next Bachelorette

Over 2,000 people want to see Schapelle find love. And why wouldn’t they? That’d be absolute prime-time viewing. Sure, it might get a little bit awkward when they head to Indonesia for a romantic final rose ceremony – but at least she knows the place well. 

Here’s what the impassioned folks behind it all have to say: 

“The Bachelorette needs to represent the true everyday woman. 

A woman that knows the ups and downs of world travel. 

A woman that has a strong sense of family. 

A woman that is independent, strong and isn’t afraid of getting her hands dirty.

A woman that has experience in risk being small business ownernship with an entrepreneurial spirit.

A woman that’s ready to take back the 11 years she’s lost.

A woman that is…

Schappelle Corby” 

We couldn’t agree more.