Our Folk

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Our Folk

Cellist Louise Godwin and fiddler Jessica Foot of Big Fiddle Little Fiddle are joined by acclaimed harpist and singer Claire Patti for one night of pumping reels, toe tapping jigs, graceful waltzes, and soaring airs.

Foregrounding the creative voices and experiences of women, their Kew Court House performance presents a response to poems by Alexandra C. Steffan, with audio-visuals by animator Sylvie Le Couteur.

Big Fiddle Little Fiddle is both a performance duo and project vehicle for experimentation and collaboration. Godwin and Foot are known for joyful performances, eclectic fiddling styles, classical sensibilities, driving rhythms and inventive arrangements of original compositions.

Louise Godwin says: “We have gathered a program of tunes and songs, old and new, that capture our own reflections on life, grief, joy, and the power we each hold to effect change.”