NOFX : Backstage Passport

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NOFX : Backstage Passport


For those that don’t know, NOFX: Backstage Passport is a documentary series featuring – you guessed it – NOFX backstage, onstage, and generally around stages. This album is, broadly speaking, a soundtrack.

Fat Mike kicks off the album by proudly declaring: “We’re NOFX, screwing up since 1983,” on the title track. Later on he’ll be insulted by Germans, have a go at blind religious faith, sing flat on a live version of Leaving Jesusland,and once again suggests the band move to Australia (seriously guys, what’s stopping you?). 

It’s a collection of rare, remixed, live and unreleased material which were only previously aired during the show. As a result, it’s pretty up and down, and not exactly a well balanced album. However, for fans – and let’s face it, that’s definitely the target audience – there’s enough to enjoy here. 

Arming The Proletariat With Potato Guns features guitars and trumpets punctuated by the typical NOFX brand of humour, while Backstage Passport and Punk Rock Passport provide nice bookends to the album. I Melvin is also worth a listen, with Eric Melvin presenting his sad clown persona in all its glory, accordion included. 


Best Track: No Fun In Fundamentalism

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In A Word: Inconsistent