Meredith Music Festival cancelled for 2020

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Meredith Music Festival cancelled for 2020



Meredith Music Festival has announced it will no longer go ahead in 2020. The event was scheduled to take place from December 11 to 13, however as a result of the ongoing disruptions caused by COVID-19, it is no longer a possibility.

Aunty Meredith broke the news via an email to her adoring fans. We’ll let her take it from here.

“I’m writing to let you know that the Meredith Music Festival will not take place this year,” Aunty said in the email. “Like much of the planet, life in Postcode 3333 must contend with a pandemic and adjust to a different beat, for the time being.

“Which brings us to a break in regular programming. A rest. Something which, in itself, is not such an unusual part of the Supernatural trip.”

It’s shattering news for us all but sets up what will be a much-anticipated 2021 return.

We’ll miss you, Mezdog – see you next year.

Find out more via the Meredith website.

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