Melody’s Echo Chamber : Bon Voyage

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Melody’s Echo Chamber : Bon Voyage


The wait for the follow up to 2012’s self-titled debut has been a long time coming. It seemed as if it’d see the light of day many years ago with first single ‘Shirim’ released back in 2014. Yet it took almost another four years for Bon Voyage to finally eventuate.

The aforementioned track is a heady rhythmic affair that confuses more than it enthralls and is a strange choice for the final song of the seven-track album. Coming in at just under 35-minutes, it feels like fans have been a little short changed by what Melody Prochet has offered up.

While the average song length is only five minutes, at times they feel unnecessarily lengthy, such as opener ‘Cross My Heart’. It’s a decent track, but its whimsical feel gets tiring, after it promises to go somewhere and begins doing laps of itself instead. ‘Breathe in, Breathe Out’ is upbeat and the most immediately likable song, however just as soon as you’re getting into it, the song almost stops to a standstill before picking up the pace again. The result feels more erratic than eclectic.

There’s some really fantastic ideas and moments on Bon Voyage, yet they’re too brief to make the album an enjoyable enough journey.
