Editor’s Note
You know what I love about print? It’s an escape from the news bites and hook-laden reality of the modern media. With everyone falling over each other trying to climb Google or force their way into your social feeds, it’s rare to give artists the opportunity to purely focus on their art, and the space to analyse and express their creativity in substantive detail. This month, Jaguar Jonze reminds us all why this is so important.
It’s a bit of a theme in our June edition. Polish Club challenge us all to take the time to actually listen to an album, especially one that does and says what they want, rather than the charts or labels. Meanwhile, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard explain the subtle hints within their releases that reveal the method behind their mad variety. Who knows, maybe a free, widespread print mag can do the same thing, encouraging us all to turn off, tune out, drop our phones on concrete…fuck, we don’t stand a chance.
You’ll know we’ve given up hope when we start forcing clickbait into the opening pages. Until then, sit down, switch off, roll yourself a joint, and enjoy Melbourne’s expansive guide to music, arts and culture (you won’t believe page eight).