Lawrence Leung – Beginning Middle End

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Lawrence Leung – Beginning Middle End


Lawrence Leung is an engrossing storyteller. And his storytelling is rendered all the more irresistible by his nerd-factor, friendly nature and endearing enthusiasm. Whereas several resort to crudeness for cheap laughs, Leung finds the biggest laughs in his innocent observations of life’s absurdities. The most absurd thing to have happened to Leung recently is his discovery (or rather, his room-mate’s creepy discovery) that an anonymous internet user had written fan fiction about Leung on a metal music website.

This discovery is already funny in itself, but the way in which Leung lays out his show into three parts to analyse the fan fiction and then bring it to life is not only incredible, but results in a laugh-out-loud hour of pure entertainment and frenzied comedy. The show’s surprises are too good to spoil with hints; Leung’s power-point presentations and videos left the audience chortling into the night. Equally hilarious was his obsession with pointing out the myths behind one of Hollywood’s most charming actors. Leung goes to great lengths to tell a funny story, and the audience should be deeply thankful that he does.