La Bastard

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La Bastard


Hi. What’s happening.

My name is Anna and my band La Bastard has a run of shows through August in Melbourne in the lead up to our first release later this year!

And what do you do?

I sing a little, dance a little, and make people hold my mic when I break a microphone stand.

When did you start doing that?

Ben [guitarist] and I were jamming last year before hooking up with Julia [drums] and Jimi [bass] – they are an amazing rhythm section. I love singing, and this band is fun. I haven’t been in a band that makes people in the audience dance so easily before!

What makes you happiest about what you’re doing?

The shows are always fun, even if I get tackled or hugged by audience members. People who come watch are also happy which is the best part.

What makes you proud of La Bastard?

Heaps of things: having a whole audience dancing, airplay on RRR/PBS, and just generally surprising people who don’t know what to expect. And we are going to release on vinyl soon. Woo!

When are you doing your thing next?

Saturday August 13 at The Victoria Hotel w/ The Dead River Deeps, Thursday August 18 at The Builders Arms w/ The Death Rattles, Friday August 19 at The Retreat w/ The Exotics and then Thursday August 25 at The Builders Arms w/ Sex Face.