Hullo Alexis. What’s your role here, then?
Lead singer/songwriter/guitarist.
Splendid. And what do you sound like?
Traces of Joni Mitchell, Ani Di Franco, Tracy Chapmanā¦ but there’s personal gypsy-folk/ alternative flavour that comes from creating songs as kid based on Michael Jackson, Mum’s Ella jazz records, my brother’s rap and sister’s opera/folk.
What do you love about making music?
Every time I write a song and perform it or record it, it permeates through my being. I’m thrilled when someone experiences something positive out of one of my songs.
If you could show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be?
Tracy Chapman. Because she resonates the soul music is all about; which is why she’s an influence on me. I’d love to hear her perspectives.
What can a punter expect from your live show?
The raw essence of real performance with strong sounds from The Missing Pieces (from saws to banjos), unique vocals and songs that don’t lie – lyrics that speak to the heart!
What’ve you got to sell CD-wise?
I have an upcoming EP called Peripheral Vision. Release date will be on our Facebook page soon with EP launch dates. Peeps can pre-order at our Toff gig.
When’s the gig and with who?
The gig Surrender To Folk is on Tuesday August 16 at The Toff In Town. We’ll be playing alongside Falloe, The Promises and DJ Mellydee.