How The Bamboos aren’t internationally celebrated on the grandest of scale is beyond us

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How The Bamboos aren’t internationally celebrated on the grandest of scale is beyond us

Words by Bryget Chrisfield

Yep, This Is How You Do It. Agreed. Always with the funky guitars, sparse, elegant brass, savvy percussion choices and supreme vocal performances. Instant good vibes. 

Favoured resident vocalist Kylie Auldist’s radiant essence infuses her smooth, syrupy vocal performances, that beaming smile audible. And we meet a future star in Auldist’s eldest son, Reginald AK, who features on Safe From Harm. His voice emanates sweet reassurance and feels weightless. Then during the bombastic Bored, we catch a glimpse of Reginald’s husky, soulful – with a hint of sass – side: “You keep on talking but I’m bored.” 

Reginald AK on working alongside mum in The Bamboos (adorbs alert): “To stand this close to her in the sonic arena is something I’ve dreamed of my whole life.”

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Hip-hop flava infuses a coupla joints, with KINGS spitting goodtimes bars in the easy, breezy Everything Gonna Be Okay. “Check your inhibition/ Leave it at the door” – we can certainly get behind The Main Event, whether it’s a sleepover or partying all night: “We’re the main event” – hell YES you are, The Bamboos! 

Caicos Dawn’s sitar solo is gobsmackingly great and so perfectly placed that we feel like George Harrison discovering Ravi Shanka. “You matter to me” – such a wonderful slant for a song; words that could shift a stormy outlook. 

The Bamboos are a nine-piece that oozes grooves. Super-sleek with an underlying wink that teases good times, they’re a class act. Just how The Bamboos aren’t already internationally celebrated on the grandest of scale is beyond us.