How the Australian Music Examinations Board and Rockschool can help you become a better musician

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How the Australian Music Examinations Board and Rockschool can help you become a better musician


The Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) now delivers Rockschool exams and syllabuses, allowing Australian students to earn a globally recognised qualification through the program. Based in the UK, Rockschool is a program of exams and qualifications focused on guitar, bass, drums, vocals, piano, band-based keyboards and bands in a number of genres, ranging from pop to metal.

Offering comprehensive syllabuses, the program is truly global, with thousands of exams conducted in the more than 30 countries worldwide. The qualifications received at the completion of the program are also recognised internationally, something that Chair of the AMEB Federal Board, Mike Tyler, welcomes, “We’re excited to be working with the globally successful Rockschool to deliver the most up-to-date contemporary music syllabuses and exams to the popular music sector in Australia.”

The exam support materials they provide includes grade books, companion guides, technical handbooks and backing recordings, all of which are regularly updated by musicians from the academic, industry, and live performance sectors. The addition of Rockschool to AMEB’s suite of syllabuses diversifies their offerings and may well increase their influence in the area of contemporary music, allowing them to further reach out to musicians of all ages and backgrounds.

The syllabuses and support materials are managed by the Federal Office, and a pool of national examiners have been trained for the new Rockschool exams, which Tyler sees as an important part of their operation, “We take pride in being able to support music teachers in this sector in inspiring their students to develop technique and musicianship to the highest standards.”