Californians HelloGoodbye have struck gold with this, their sophomore record. Would It Kill You? appears equal parts chipper and enchanting and front man Forrest Kline wastes few moments in bolstering such stocks, supplying his cache of tender sentiments effortlessly. Impressively, Would It Kill You? nails a perfect balance in sounding pleasant without sliding helplessly towards an inoffensive void. Frequently, in fact, the record goes one step further, yielding an impressively varied array of charming pop treasures.
Betrayed By Bones ‘ blaring brass section proves memorable. as I Never Can Relax shines with delectable orchestration whilst exuding a frivolous cool completely opposed to its title. Another highlight comes in the romantic chronology of When We First Met, its ukulele preceding a thunderous stampede of percussion, igniting a euphoric release.
It’s difficult not to enjoy this album, especially when it’s charged with such an electric optimism. HelloGoodbye beg you to surrender to their own private parade, a prospect that often appears irresistible. Even with the likes of The Thoughts That Give Me The Creeps – an account of Kline’s harrowing hypotheticals – HelloGoodbye can’t help but arrive upon a sugar-sweet plateau. Ultimately, such a fun, sunny allure is hard to turn away. Covering every base from boisterous, bombastic rock to beautiful pop fundamentals, HelloGoodbye offer a truly gorgeous record.
Best Track: When We First Met
In A Word: Charming
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