God Hates Me

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God Hates Me

One night only – jampacked full of the world’s most ridiculous historical rorts, scammers, snake oil charlatans to modern-day nonsense peddlers. A Sunday service of suitably ridiculous character performances, props, rubber things, costumes, songs, funny listicles, facts, and frictions! How is it that with more and more information we have an increase in flat earthers?

Come join The Tempill of the Deductible Grift with Jack Brady and their nemesis, lay preacher *Amber Knight-Parrit.

A little bit of cabaret, a little comedy, and a comedic critical thinker antidote to conspiracies everywhere.

It’s nerdy. It’s filled with strange and funny facts. Jack, an anthropologist who sometimes does comedy has been a scholar of oppression for 20 years. This show is dedicated to their morbid love of strange history about women and queer culture.

Together, we can crack the code of right-wing cultists, conspiracists and cookers without trying to cure cancer with broccoli, own a private jet, or tithing 10% of our income to preachers in expensive sneakers.
*any resemblance to cult leaders Teal Swan or Gwen Shamblin is purely unfortunate.