Flickerfest is the ultimate short film festival

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Flickerfest is the ultimate short film festival


Flickerfest is bringing its national tour to Melbourne across two massive nights, showcasing the Best of Melbourne Shorts and Best of EU shorts programs. 

Each film was handpicked by the festival’s team from over 2,500 applications. That’s some stiff competition right there. 

As for the Best of Melbourne Shorts program, expect highlights including the beautiful Australian animation Lost Property Office alongside Somersault Pike directed by Kate Lefoe, winner of the Avid Award for Best Editing in an Australian Short Film and Locker Room by Greta Nash who was awarded the Rebel8 Award for Outstanding Emerging Female Director.

Across the pond within the Best of EU program, highlights include the Academy Award-nominated All of Us (Watu Wote) — based on the true story that sees Christian and Muslim bus passengers in Kenjya join forces during an extremist attack — and the delightfully quirky Wave.