Findie Helps Scriptwriters Make Shit Happen

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Findie Helps Scriptwriters Make Shit Happen


Tell us about what Findie is – who is it for, what do they share, does it cost anything, and what’s the whole philosophy?

I’ll start with the philosophy – to support independent film projects! Findie is a social network for independent film and stage writers, actors, cinematographers, producers and directors.

They create and upload a project/idea/script so other users can connect, rate, read, comment on and get involved over projects. Basically you can upload an independent film/stage project with a long and short pitch attached, along with an optional script or script sample upload for users to download and read. They also have their own profile to upload headshots and embed show reels etc.

When did you first come up with the idea for Findie?

[It was] after I came back from Vancouver, where I had a job as a comedy writer on a TV show and was constantly making short films and skits, which I loved. When I arrived back in Melbourne I was quickly frustrated with not being able to continue doing that.

I tried to contact people online but it was hard because on a lot of film sites are difficult to get connected to, there isn’t a lot out there… so I decided to make my own site.

What inspired you?

Actually it’s pretty lame, but to be truthful – I watched The Social Network and one line really got to me: “You gotta be the first.” So I decided just to give it a go; I’m glad I have.

How did you decide on a name?

It’s the first thing that came into my head, I’m always pretty good at puns… which I probably shouldn’t brag about? So it’s FINDIE (FIN-DEE), As in Find Independent Film, a lot of people pronounce it FIND-EE, I don’t mind though… at least they are saying it!

As a writer, how do you feel the internet can be used better by creative types?

As I said before it was really frustrating for me to find people to connect with, every site I visited was ancient and ugly, no offence… I guess I don’t like forums. The message I want to get across with Findie is that independent film types need to let their scripts go a bit and get it out there, no matter what.

A lot of people may be a bit apprehensive uploading their script to Findie, but what I say to that is – this can only expand their script, getting it out there is the best for anyone… holding on to an idea is never going to work – “You gotta be the first.” Also it’s pretty safe; only other members can download.

Did you design the whole website? How was it getting it built – harder or easier than you expected?

I had the initial idea and how it should function, luckily I had a couple of mates who ran a web design company – Godel Design. I sat down with these guys and they were instantly more excited about the project than me… if that was even possible?

They brought great ideas to the table and together we expanded on everything. It was almost a little too easy… I guess it’s all about the team you assemble. We were also just featured in Desktop Magazine, for web site design, so that’s a really good positive for something that’s just launched.

What is your involvement with the website now – are you like a moderator or what?

I’m Owner/Moderator/Active Member and Managing Director, I do all press as well. It’s pretty tough, but I enjoy it, I’m always looking for help though. The Godel Design boys have stayed on board with me because we all love the project, so it’s great to constantly work with them… there is still so much to expand on, it’s never ending.

Are you planning any Findie events in the future?

Not for the moment… unfortunately, I have put everything into this project so we currently don’t have the funds for advertising and events. In the future, anything that we get will basically be put back into expanding the site, considering I don’t charge for membership it can get really hard, but I hope it will be worth it.

I’m really pushing for word of mouth and social networking. Hopefully one day someone will come a long with a fat cheque… but then again I’d rather that money go into an independent film itself. Saying that, I may be involved in a film festival later this year, so keep an eye out.

Can you recommend any other resources for budding screen- or theatre-writers?

Indiegogo is always my favourite; I guess we are similar in a way, but mine is just about film projects for finding crew and cast rather than money. Other that that I really can’t; I guess that’s why I made Findie.

What are some of your favourite other media sources?

I’m always on Total Film, Popurls, T-Squat or IMDB.

What does the future hold for you and Findie? What are your big plans?

It’s really a never-ending list, with the team at Godel and myself constantly coming up with and expanding ideas, I just hope we can get some funds to realise the full potential of the site.

I really want Findie to get a massive membership count and people to start uploading heaps of content, because that’s the only way you can connect with each other, is over an uploaded project.