Example : Live Life Living

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Example : Live Life Living


The British rapper-come-singer has managed to put out consistently excellent albums for the past three of four records consecutively, and this album continues to see Elliot Gleave in fine form. Lead single Kids Again is an anthem for how much we miss the unabashed lack of responsibilities and good times we take completely for granted during our teenage years. As well as being a top quality party starter, it has the ability to really get stuck in your head lyrically, too.


There’s so many highlights across the board here, it really makes for a great album. One More Day sounds like a house song that might be the soundtrack to being off your face alone in a club once you’ve lost your friends. However, luckily it manages to still be appealing in more ideal situations, like listening on the tram for example, which this reviewer can attest to.


Can’t Face the World is surprisingly honest when you take away the club beats and focus on the lyrics. It’s a theme that appears across the whole disc, however, it’s buried under such quality and appealing production that it’s unlikely to be noticeable unless you’ve got a keen ear.




Best Track: Kids Again

If You Like These, You’ll Love This: CALVIN HARRIS, TINIE TEMPAH, PLAN B

In A Word: Banging