Every Second Friday

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Every Second Friday


So then, w hat’s the band name and what you ‘do’ in the band?

“Every Second Friday; write most of the band’s music while disguising myself as a bassist on stage.”

Bearing the terrible clichéd nature of this question, what do you reckon people will say you sound like?

“Janis Joplin without the habit.”

What do you love about making music?

“Anytime someone sings your lyrics back to you.”

What do you hate about the music industry?

“Promoters who rip off young bands, promising a lot and at the end of the day, caring little.”

If you could travel back in time and show one of your musical heroes your stuff, who would it be and why?

“I’d try and persuade Freddie to drop in to the studio and sing a few harmonies.”

If you could assassinate one person or band from popular music, who would it and why?

“Dire Straits. Actually, just Mark Knopfler.”

What can a punter expect from your live show?

“Some red-hot vocals, solos and a really tight hard rock and blues show. A few quirky covers out of nowhere.”

What you got to sell CD-wise?

“Our debut EP Four Dimensions was launched last October at The Espy and you’d be stupid not to get your hands on one!”

When’s the gig and with who?

“The Espy Gershwin Room on Friday May 27. It’s our final onslaught with singer Sam Brown and it promises to be an epic farewell. Joining us are About The Noise, Aricohet, Fierce Mild and The Honeymoon Ghost.”

Anything else to add?

“There’s no rest for the wicked. We’ve got a one-off gig supporting Thirsty Merc at The Ferntree Gully Hotel June 11 before we take some time off. We just need to find ourselves a singer…”